New Project Bid - Mixed Use Community Development

April 17, 2020

This week we’ve submitted a bid for a really exciting new mixed use project on the South Coast. Our approach is to develop a project in a truly collaborative team with an ambitious approach to sustainability, with a commitment to achieve the rigorous Passivhaus and One Planet Living standards. Fingers crossed our exciting approach to participative, community led design strikes a chord with the client group. Watch this space……

We’ve condensed the RIBA’s excellent ‘Sustainable Outcomes’ document into a simple diagram. Bringing the Barefoot Approach to simplifying the complexities of the industry into a more digestible visual language. We think its a great toolkit to use to develop projects to the ambitious Zero Carbon objectives that the Climate and Ecological Emergencies demand.


Lockdown Life in the Sun - The Engine Shed


Bridport ecohouse progressing on site