Paragraph 55 House in West Sussex - Preparing for Planning!

July 10, 2017

We've been working recently in close collaboration with Roundfield Landscape Architects in Frome - to develop an integrated approach to the landscape setting for this innovative Para 55 home in West Sussex. The approach uses rainwater harvesting via swales, a haha, and rill ponds to direct water around the site and into an existing adjacent water course. Naturalistic planting to bunds following the contours of the land add a subtle sculptural quality to the site which will be visible from the upper level living rooms. The innovative new house will utilise unfired clay brickwork in a variety of ways; both internally and externally in non-load bearing and load bearing applications respectively. This low carbon approach has a variety of benefits including extremely low embodied energy, natural control for internal humidity and air quality, and beautiful tactile textures. Called 'Home made house', the project will use on site excavated material to hand form bricks to create a sweeping curved garden wall behind which the main volume of the house will sit. The dramatic sweeping roof form varies in pitch along the length to optimise solar collection from its roof using Photo-voltaic, PV Tesla tiles. We're due to submit the project for planning imminently! Watch this space.........


Keynsham extension starts on site


Thanks for having me Frome!