Crowdfunding Community - Bridport Cohousing Reaching Out

July 23, 2021

Barefoot architects have been working with Bridport Cohousing for nearly 10 years to help them design and deliver what will become the largest affordable cohousing project of its kind in the United Kingdom. The project is the culmination of over 11 years of hard work, perseverance and persistence by an incredible group of local residents. They are seeking to make an intentional community that is more neighbourly, more sustainable, and more affordable in a part of the country where house prices exceed the national average, and second homes are common. Their dream is fast becoming reality, with main contractor CG Fry currently building the 52 homes in partnership with Bournemouth Churches Housing Association and Homes England Funding. They are now seeking crowdfunding support to build their 'Common House', a space for all residents to use and share amenities, activities, and meals, with a 4% return on investment using the platform 'Ethex'. The project will be powered with the largest community microgrid of Photovoltaic panels in the country developed by pioneering energy firm CEPRO; this will help make the project Zero Carbonin use, which is an extraordinary achievement for an affordable community led housing project.


Building Community Guide for Community Led Housing Enablers and Groups


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