An accessible team

Over the last 10 years, we've grown slow and strong by approximately a person a year – we're now 13 strong and growing! Barefoot Architects attracts like minded individuals who are keen to make a difference in the world, work with purpose, and take positive action to get things done, with a good helping of fun.

Our team are a talented group of people who hold a range of degrees, hobbies and personalities! When you’re choosing an architect to work with it's a big decision, and an important working relationship to get right. We understand this, and so whilst all of our team are highly qualified and capable, we try to match-make the right person for the right project and client!

We think that everyone at Barefoot is principled, caring, organised, aspirational and positive. These are 'core' values that we share and work to. You can expect anyone you work with at Barefoot to uphold these ideals in the work they do, and they way they do it. But beyond that we use a type of psychometric test to better understand ourselves, and to help us match the right project architect to you!

The test we use is called 'DISC' and it helps to identify people's natural (relaxed) and adapted (workplace) personality and communication style. This helps define what motivates us, makes us tick, and how we go about doing things. There are four styles in DISC, and each are different. People often have a blend of two or more. While D stands for Dominance, I is for Influencer, S is for Steadiness, and C for Conscientiousness. Many of our team have a strong leaning towards the C style – what you might expect of a detail-focussed professional.

With the knowledge and self-awareness that this test and approach brings, we are also sensitive to the needs and personality types of our clients. Ultimately we are here to support you to achieve your ambitions and fulfil your project goals! We think it is much easier and more enjoyable for everyone if this is done using communication and approaches that suit you, and enable us to work efficiently for you. This allows us to spend as long as possible designing your project, and reaching the best solution for you - smoothly and in an enjoyable process!

As a bit of fun, you can quickly determine your own, or other people's style with two simple questions. Firstly, are they open (chatty, forthcoming, story tellers) which denotes an I or an S style, or closed (private, discreet, reticent to share) which denotes a D or a C style. Secondly are they fast (I or D styles), or slow paced (C or S styles)? For example, a private but fast paced individual is often the Dominant 'D' style (they know what they want and want to achieve it quickly), whereas an open but slow person is a Steady 'S' (calm and considered, and happy to go with the flow)!

Me, well I’m an ‘I – D’ style. I like to talk fast, share a lot, and get things done effectively!

Our team reflect our ethical compass: principled (why we work), caring (who we work with), organised (how we work), aspirational (what we do) and positive (where we work).


Empowering the Team Through circles


A Service Tailored to You