What is Paragraph 80, and is it relevant to your site and project?
February 20, 2023
Our approach to co-designing innovative, unique, and ecological buildings together with our clients has enabled us to gain planning permissions on some of the most challenging sites, including those where the so-called 'Paragraph 80' (formerly 55, and 79) was applied successfully.
The practice was founded on a project which was given a 'one in a million' chance of achieving planning permission, and we continue to take on both those odds, and those projects that require an exceptional design approach to achieve an exceptional planning outcome under the current system.
Visualisation for our ‘Terracette House ‘in the Surrey Hills Chalk Woodland
The 'NPPF' stands for the National Planning Policy Framework. Paragraph 80 refers to that clause within the NPPF. It is known colloquially as the Countryside House Clause insomuch as it enables exceptional quality new Homes within Open Countryside. Paragraph 80 can become relevant to any site which falls outside of a recognised settlement boundary, at which point it becomes considered 'Open Countryside' under planning policy.
Overview showing the building in the landscape and connected to the woodland
Arguably, the clause continues the tradition and trajectory within the UK of outstanding one-off private homes; the likes of which the National Trust and English Heritage now protect for example. It states that:
“Planning policies and decisions should avoid the development of isolated homes in the countryside unless one or more of the following circumstances apply:
e) the design is of exceptional quality, in that it:
is truly outstanding, reflecting the highest standards in architecture, and would help to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas; and
would significantly enhance its immediate setting, and be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area.”
The tests that these words require place onerous requirements on applicants to objectively demonstrate each of the key points made.
Who builds Paragraph 80 Homes?
In theory, anyone can develop a proposal for a truly outstanding home. We have supported several Paragraph 80 projects, and they have succeeded when driven by highly focussed, very dedicated, and indeed patient clients.
How do we approach a Paragraph 80 Project?
A great site in the countryside can have many defining characteristics and qualities that in turn can lead to a great story. Consideration and research of the geology, archaeology, soil, local heritage, history, microclimate, orientation, ecology, views and local vernacular are all opportunities to develop a unique, compelling and captivating story for a project.
Every paragraph 80 project is completely unique. A one off; bespoke, and truly tailored to its site and setting. Our approach and idiom is that style follows story. What we mean by that is that a project's appearance is necessarily a product of the approach taken, which itself has emanated from it's particular place.
The house blurs the distinction between building and woodland
We help clients gather the right team, at the right time, and work with them in the right way to produce a thorough and compelling design approach which we can take to the Local Planning Authority, and an independent 'Design Review Panel' at appropriate stages to mitigate cost at risk to our clients and give the project the best possible chances of success.
If you have the site, time and inclination to develop an exceptional project under Paragraph 80 and want to work with us, then we would be excited to have a conversation with you in the first instance; in our studio, on zoom, or by telephone. This will enable you to get to know us a little more, and to begin exploring how a relationship might work; if we get on, and you feel we are the right fit for one another.